Let the fun begin!!

I’m making my way through Christine’s new book and loving it.  I will let you guys hear more about it in the days to come, but I’m loving it so far.  I have Christine chatting about her book in a couple weeks, but if you can’t wait (and I wouldn’t be able to) go get a copy ASAP!


Added Oct. 8th:

I just found the shipping delay through amazon is 2-5 weeks. You will be better off time wise getting it through Prufrock directly.  http://www.prufrock.com/productdetails.cfm?PC=1520 Same price, but more time to read it.

About Tom
I started advocating for G/LD students when I was finishing my undergraduate degree, but got caught up in life and forgot to continue to follow my heart. That’s changed and I’m again advocating for these students who fall through the cracks. Their gifts mask their LD. Their LD masks their gifts. I understand their situation because I’m one of those students who struggled through the school system as both gifted and learning disabled and never diagnosed. The challenges faced by a student who is gifted, but not served, is immense. The student who is LD, but not served, is unbelievably difficult. The combination is nothing short of cruel. It may be unintentional, but the need to understand this under-served population is necessary. These are some of the most brightest and creative minds who we ignore through school.

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